K-pop Legendary Singers Big Data Analysis Ranking in Feb 2024

k-pop legendary singers big data Yoon Sang

As a result of K-pop legendary singers big data analysis in February 2024, was analyzed in order of 1st place, Yoon Sang, 2nd place, Baek Ji-young, and 3rd place, Park Jin-young.

The participation index, media index, communication index, and community index for K-pop legendary singer reputation through consumer behavior analysis of 22,721,313 of K-pop legendary singers big data analysis measured from January 9, 2024 to February 9, 2024. Compared to 26,415,052 K-pop legendary singer big data in January, it decreased by 13.98%.

This indicator was created through big data analysis and found out that consumers’ online habits have a significant impact on brand consumption. Through the analysis of K-pop idol group reputation, it is possible to measure positive and negative evaluations of the K-pop idol group, media interest, and consumer interest and traffic. A qualitative evaluation by the brand reputation monitor was also included.

The top 30 legendary singer reputation rankings in February 2024 analyzes were conducted in the following order are Yoon Sang, Baek Ji-young, Park Jin-young, Insooni, Cho Yong-pil, Psy, Lee Eun-mi, Yoon Jong-shin, Park Mi-kyung, Lim Jae-beom, Boa, Lee Seung-cheol, Uhm Jung-hwa, Shin Hyo-beom, Seo Tai-ji, Lee Seung-hwan, Lee Hyun-woo, Choi Jin-hee, Tae Jin-ah, Park Jeong-hyun, Kim Jang-hoon, Nam Jin, Na Hoon-ah, Lee So-ra, Hye-eun Lee, Lee Sun-hee, Kim Gun-mo, Kim Hyun-jung, Jo Young-nam, and Lee Moon-se.

Top 30 K-pop Legendary singers big data analysis in Feb 2024

RankLegendary SingerParticipant IndexMedia IndexCommunication indexCommunity indexOverall Total
1Yoon Sang177,823327,793237,477204,155947,251
2Baek Ji-young75,556331,625156,173195,559758,912
3Park Jin-young142,891222,397171,344172,697709,329
5Cho Yong-pil95,249237,060107,559184,836624,704
7Lee Eun-mi116,758239,869107,98780,856545,470
8Yoon Jong-shin63,602208,650101,89798,888473,037
9Park Mi-kyung100,592193,88385,86780,713461,055
10Lim Jae-beom92,167202,38196,03069,734460,312
12Lee Seung-cheol58,294210,38485,36583,930437,972
13Uhm Jung-hwa59,013188,00178,146111,867437,026
14Shin Hyo-beom106,757191,11284,81654,146436,831
15Seo Tai-ji71,720195,12091,46872,242430,549
16Lee Seung-hwan79,289175,28376,80472,665404,040
17Lee Hyun-woo84,769158,26668,13690,690401,861
18Choi Jin-hee90,865174,67476,98156,867399,387
19Tae Jin-ah55,930182,40366,64185,939390,913
20Park Jeong-hyun34,216161,23369,94282,157347,548
21Kim Jang-hoon43,326173,70874,70443,478335,216
22Nam Jin47,950159,43864,83958,030330,257
23Na Hoon-ah55,896142,60566,09164,724329,297
24Lee So-ra48,190135,22961,00076,383320,802
25Hye-eun Lee68,911138,99262,33945,149315,322
26Lee Sun-hee36,545124,60155,62490,149306,919
27Kim Gun-mo34,216154,37066,69642,944298,226
28Kim Hyun-jung80,96740,20860,52598,633280,334
29Jo Young-nam45,861133,35855,02344,665278,907
30Lee Moon-se40,278135,36958,90139,906274,453
K-pop Legendary Singers Big Data Analysis Ranking chart in Feb 2024

K-pop Legendary Singers Big Data Analysis Top 5 in Feb 2024

  1. Yoon Sang
  2. Baek Ji Young
  3. Park Jin Young
  4. Inssoni
  5. Cho Yong Pil

1. Yoon Sang

Yoon Sang ranked first on k-pop legendary singer, with a participation index of 177,826, a media index of 327,793, a communication index of 237,477, and a community index of 204,155, resulting in a k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 947,251. Compared to last January’s k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 438,799, it rose 115.87%.

k-pop legendary singers big data Yoon Sang
Yoon sang x Riize live

2. Baek Ji-young

Baek Ji-young ranked second on k-pop legendary singer, with a participation index of 75,556, a media index of 331,625, a communication index of 156,173, and a community index of 195,559, resulting in k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 758,912. Compared to last January’s k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 863,679, it fell 12.13%.

k-pop legendary singers big data analysis Baek Ji young
baek ji young in killing voice

3. Par Jin-young

Park Jin-young ranked on third place on k-pop legendary singer was analyzed with a k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 709,329, with a participation index of 142,891, a media index of 222,397, a communication index of 171,344, and a community index of 172,697. Compared to last January’s k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 800,115, it fell 11.35%.

k-pop legendary singers big data analysis Park Jin Young
Park Jin Young live

4. Insooni

In 4th place, the Insooni was analyzed with a k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 681,865, with a participation index of 103,195, a media index of 267,624, a communication index of 114,817, and a community index of 196,229. Compared to last January’s k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 771,444, it fell 11.61%.

k-pop legendary singers big data analysis Yoon Sang
insooni live

5. Cho Yong-pil

In 5th place, Cho Yong-pil was analyzed as having a k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 624,704, with a participation index of 95,249, a media index of 237,060, a communication index of 107,559, and a community index of 184,836. Compared to last January’s k-pop legendary singer reputation index of 891,256, it fell by 29.91%.

Jo Yong pil live


“As a result of big data analysis of k-pop legendary singer reputation in February 2024, Yoon Sang ranked first. When analyzing the k-pop legendary singer category, it decreased by 13.98% compared to the 26,415,052 big data of k-pop legendary singer in January. Detailed analysis Looking at the reputation analysis, “brand consumption fell 17.66%, brand issues fell 12.65%, brand communication fell 18.56%, and brand diffusion fell 8.68%.”

“The Yoon Sang, who ranked first among k-pop legendary singers, saw a surge in consumer interest due to the father of the boy group Riize Anton. Baek Ji-young’s ranked second by strengthening various communication through YouTube, and Park Jin-young’s brand ranked third due to artist activities that show constant challenge. “It has risen,” the reputation analysis said.

Also good to read: K-pop Idol Group Big Data Analysis February 2024 – Radiobox

References: [브랜드평판] 레전드 가수 브랜드 2024년 2월 빅데이터 분석결과… 1위 윤상, 2위 백지영, 3위 박진영 (brikorea.com)
